Dark-eyed Junco

About the Dark-eyed Junco

Birdorable Dark-eyed Junco Male
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The Dark-eyed Junco is the best-known species of junco. Adult Dark-eyed Juncos are generally grey on top with a white belly. There are several sub-species of Dark-eyed Junco, each with a different appearance. The slate-colored subspecies is shown here, but in total we have six different subspecies in the cute Birdorable style.

Juvenile Juncos often have pale streaks and may even be mistaken for a Vesper Sparrow until they acquire adult plumage at 2 to 3 months.

The breeding habitat of these birds is coniferous or mixed forest areas throughout North America. Juncos usually nest in a cup shaped depression on the ground, well hidden by vegetation or other material, although the Junco is sometimes found in the lower branches of a shrub or tree. The nests of these birds have an outer diameter of about 10cm and are lined with fine grasses and hair.

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