Cyprus Wheatear

About the Cyprus Wheatear

Birdorable Cyprus Wheatear

The Cyprus Wheatear is endemic to Cyprus, where it is a highly visible part of the spring and summer landscape. This small, elegant bird is characterized by its distinctive black and white plumage. Males are particularly striking during the breeding season with their black heads, backs, and throats, sharply contrasted by their white bellies and wing patches.

Behaviorally, the Cyprus Wheatear is known for its agile foraging techniques. It typically feeds on the ground, darting after insects with quick, sharp movements. This bird is a seasonal migrant, spending its winters in southern Africa and returning to Cyprus for the breeding season, where it prefers open, rocky areas with sparse vegetation.

The Cyprus Wheatear is also notable for its unique breeding strategy. It nests in holes in walls or cliffs, laying up to 5-6 eggs per clutch. Despite facing habitat changes, it has adapted well to human-modified landscapes, continuing to thrive across the island.

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