Ivory Gull

About the Ivory Gull

Birdorable Ivory Gull

The Ivory Gull is a small species of gull that breeds in the arctic. It has a circumpolar distribution through Greenland, northernmost North America and Eurasia. In the fall it migrates only short distances south, but some birds reach more temperate areas. Occasionally a bird will travel further south than usual, as was the case in November 2009 when an Ivory Gull was seen at Cape May, New Jersey USA.

Ivory Gulls are completely white, with a thick blue bill that has a yellow tip. It is known to follow polar bears and other predators to scavenge on the remains of their prey.

The population trend for the Ivory Gull is decreasing, and the conservation status as of November 2014 is Near Threatened. Climate change, environmental toxins, and hunting are some of the threats facing this species.

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