Sabine's Gull

About the Sabine's Gull

Also known as: Fork-tailed Gull
Birdorable Sabine's Gull

The Sabine's Gull is a small species of gull that breeds across parts of the Arctic. They are highly migratory; many birds travel down to coastal areas around South America and southern Africa for the winter.

In most taxonomies, the Sabine's Gull is considered to be the only bird in its genus, Xema. Its general behavior and especially its hunting-style and flight are all particularly tern-like.

Sabine's Gulls are named for the Irish ornithologist and explorer Sir Edward Sabine. Two other birds are named after Sabine: Sabine's Puffback (a kind of bushshrike) and Sabine's Spinetail.

Details & Statistics

International Names

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