Red-legged Kittiwake

About the Red-legged Kittiwake

Also known as: Short-billed Kittiwake
Birdorable Red-legged Kittiwake

The Red-legged Kittiwake is a species of seabird that breeds on islands in the Bering Sea and spends non-breeding season on the open ocean.

Kittiwakes are in the family Laridae with the gulls. There are two species of kittiwake: Red-legged and Black-legged. The species are very closely related. They get their name from their shrill-sounding call.

The population trend for the Red-legged Kittiwake is decreasing. The species faces threats including reduction in prey species from possible over-fishing or movements in fish populations due to global warming. The conservation status for the Red-legged Kittiwake is Vulnerable to extinction as of December 2014.

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