Gray-hooded Gull

About the Gray-hooded Gull

Also known as: Grey-headed Gull
Birdorable Gray-hooded Gull
The Gray-hooded Gull is a small species of gull found in parts of South America and sub-Saharan Africa.

Gray-hooded Gulls, also known as Grey-headed Gulls, mostly use rocky islands and earthen dykes for nesting habitat. Throughout the year they are found in both inland fresh water as well as coastal salt water.

Like other gull species, Gray-hooded Gulls tend to be opportunistic feeders, surviving on prey items like fish and insects, as well as scavenged eggs and discarded food scraps. Gray-hooded Gulls may also chase other birds in order to steal food items -- this is known as kleptoparasitism.
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