Spotted Towhee

About the Spotted Towhee

Also known as: Rufous-sided Towhee, Arctic Towhee
Birdorable Spotted Towhee
The Spotted Towhee is a large species of sparrow found in western parts of North America. The species is closely related to the Eastern Towhee; the two were once considered to be subspecies of the same species. There is a lot of variety in size and plumage in this species and there are at least 20 subspecies recognized by ornithologists.

Spotted Towhees nest low to the ground, either in bushes or directly on the ground. Their preferred breeding habitat includes chaparral scrubland.

Spotted Towhees feed on insects and plant material. They forage on the ground by scratching at leaf litter for crickets, beetles, caterpillars, and other insects, as well as seeds, fruits, and acorns.
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