Inca Tern

About the Inca Tern

Birdorable Inca Tern

The Inca Tern graces the coastal regions of Peru and Chile with its unique and distinguished appearance. This bird is most notably recognized for its extraordinary white mustachial feathers that elegantly extend from either side of its beak, a feature that makes it one of the most distinctive terns in the world.

Both males and females share this striking plumage, showcasing shades of grey with dark wingtips, and a bright red-orange beak and feet, adding to their charismatic presence.

Inca Terns are known for their breeding habits along the rugged rocky coastal cliffs, where they often nest in ground depressions or utilize burrows, sometimes those previously occupied by Humboldt Penguins. Their choice of nesting sites reflects their adaptability and resourcefulness.

Despite their flexibility in nesting locations, they face challenges due to the loss of suitable habitats. Disturbances from guano harvesting and the impacts of commercial fishing, which reduce their primary food source of fish, are significant threats contributing to their decline.

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