The Puerto Rican Bullfinch is a chunky songbird found only on the island of Puerto Rico. Its thick, dark bill is built for cracking hard seeds, which make up the bulk of its diet, though it also will take small insects or snails, as well as fruits. They are mostly black with a rich reddish-brown forehead, throat, and vent.
This bird prefers forested habitats, especially in mountainous and hilly regions, including both native and secondary forests. It is often heard before seen—its call is a sharp, metallic chip, and its song is a series of clear whistles. Puerto Rican Bullfinches are usually seen alone or in pairs, moving methodically through foliage in search of food.
Though it may seem shy, it adapts well to disturbed habitats and has been spotted in gardens and plantations. It nests in dense vegetation, where it builds its nest. The Puerto Rican Bullfinch is known for the extreme variety seen in nest shapes, from cup-shaped, to side-entrance covered domes, and all manner in between.
The Puerto Rican Bullfinch is not currently considered endangered, and its population is stable across much of its range. It benefits from forest conservation efforts on the island and its ability to thrive in various environments.
As a fun way to conclude our special Puerto Rico Week celebration, we’re shining a spotlight on a design that brings together some of the island’s most extraordinary feathered residents. Our Birdorable Puerto Rico design is a colorful, cartoon-style tribute to the endemic... Read more »
The Puerto Rican Bullfinch, known locally by the common names comeñame, capacho, or carpacho, is a distinctive songbird endemic to Puerto Rico. Measuring around 7 inches in length and weighing just over one ounce, this bird is easily recognized by its bulky figure, and... Read more »