Gouldian Finch

About the Gouldian Finch

Also known as: Painted Finch, Purple-breasted Finch, Rainbow Finch
Birdorable Gouldian Finch Red-headed
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The Gouldian Finch is a small species of finch native to Australia. This colorful little bird is known for its amazing plumage including feathers of red, yellow, green, and black. Gouldian Finches, like most species of finch, specialize in eating seeds. Depending on the season, they forage for seed on the ground or pick seeds from living plants.

Gouldian Finches were first described for science in 1844 by the British bird artist John Gould, who named the bird for his wife. Gouldian Finches are cavity nesters. Four to eight eggs are laid and both parents will incubate until the eggs hatch. Fledging occurs at 19 to 23 days. Because of their spectacular plumage, Gouldian Finches are popular in aviculture, where many different color mutations are bred.

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