Himalayan Vulture

About the Himalayan Vulture

Also known as: Himalayan Griffon, Himalayan Griffon Vulture, Kumai Vulture, Snow Griffon, Snow Vulture
Birdorable Himalayan Vulture

The Himalayan Vulture, also known as the Himalayan Griffon, is a massive bird of prey found in the high-altitude regions of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau. It has broad wings, a short tail, and a striking pale body contrasted with dark flight feathers. Its featherless, pale head and neck are well-suited for its scavenging lifestyle, helping to keep the bird clean as it feeds on carcasses.

These vultures primarily feed on carrion, using their excellent eyesight to spot dead animals from great heights. They soar on thermal updrafts, effortlessly gliding across vast distances in search of food. They often rely on other scavengers, like wolves or eagles, to break open carcasses, allowing them easier access to the flesh.

Himalayan Vultures prefer rocky cliffs for nesting, often constructing large nests made of sticks. They lay one egg per breeding season. These vultures thrive in cold, mountainous regions, at elevations ranging from 1,200& 5,500 meters (3,900 18,000 feet)

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