Eurasian Griffon

About the Eurasian Griffon

Also known as: Common Griffon, White-headed Griffon Vulture, Griffon Vulture, Eurasian Griffon Vulture, European Griffon
Birdorable Eurasian Griffon

The Griffon Vultureis a large Old World vulture with a pale head and neck covered in short downy feathers. Its powerful beak and broad wings make it well-suited to a scavenging lifestyle. The body is covered in tawny to light brown plumage, and the bird has a distinctive ruff of white feathers around its neck.

Griffon Vultures are found across southern Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia, living in mountainous regions, grasslands, and open woodlands. These vultures rely on thermal updrafts to soar for long distances, often flying in large groups to locate food. They mainly feed on carrion, primarily the remains of large mammals, and play a key role in maintaining the health of their ecosystems by cleaning up dead animals.

Griffon Vultures nest in colonies on cliff faces, where they build large nests out of sticks. Although their population is stable in some areas, the species faces threats from habitat destruction, poisoning, and collisions with power lines.

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