Vulture Week 2024

Explore the 23 Vulture Species from Around the World

Birdorable Vultures of the World Map

Download this map as a PDF in English or Spanish

Vultures are nature’s cleanup crew, often misunderstood but incredibly vital to the health of our ecosystems. These magnificent birds are found around the world, from the vast open skies of North America to the rugged mountain ranges of Africa and Asia. With their sharp eyesight and powerful wings, vultures soar across diverse landscapes, serving as both guardians of the environment and fascinating subjects of study.

Our Birdorable Vultures of the World poster captures the diversity of these amazing birds in a fun and colorful way. Each species is featured on our fun educational poster. Let’s take a journey around the world and meet some of the 23 species of vultures that call this planet home.

Birdorable California Condor

California Condor

🌎 North America: Giants of the Sky

In North America, two of the most iconic vultures rule the skies: the California Condor and the Turkey Vulture. The California Condor, once on the brink of extinction, now soars majestically over parts of California and Arizona thanks to dedicated conservation efforts. With its enormous wingspan, it’s one of the largest flying birds in the world. Alongside it is the more common Turkey Vulture, easily recognized by its bald red head and wide-ranging presence across the continent. The other widespread vulture of North America is the Black Vulture.

Birdorable King Vulture

King Vulture

🌎 South America: Colorful Characters

South America is home to some truly striking vultures. The King Vulture, with its vibrant mix of red, orange, and black, is one of the most colorful scavengers in the animal kingdom. Found in tropical forests and savannas, this regal bird stands out not just for its appearance, but also for its keen scavenging skills, often being the first to spot a carcass from miles away.

Nearby, the mighty Andean Condor glides over the peaks of the Andes, a symbol of power and endurance in the region. With a wingspan that rivals that of the California Condor, this bird is a cultural icon in many South American countries, revered for its strength and grace. 

Check out our Vultures of the World map to see which other species can be found in the region.

Birdorable White-backed Vultures

White-backed Vultures

🌏 Africa: Vultures of the Savanna

Africa is a hotspot for vulture diversity, with several species making their home on the continent. You can find them all on our Birdorable vulture map.

The Lappet-faced Vulture, one of the largest and most powerful of the bunch, can be seen soaring over the savannas and deserts of sub-Saharan Africa. Its striking red face and massive beak allow it to tear through tough hides, making it an essential part of the scavenger community.

Other species, like the White-backed Vulture and Rüppell’s Vulture, often work together in groups to clean up after predators like lions and hyenas. These social vultures play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem, preventing the spread of disease by quickly disposing of dead animals.

Birdorable Himalayan Vulture

Himalayan Vulture

🌏  Europe and Asia: High Flyers and Bone Eaters

In Europe and Asia, vultures are no less impressive. The Bearded Vulture, also known as the Lammergeier, has one of the most unusual diets of all vultures—its primary food source is bones! Found in mountainous regions like the Alps and the Himalayas, this bird drops large bones from great heights to crack them open, feasting on the nutritious marrow inside.

The Himalayan Vulture is another high-flyer, literally living among the clouds. Soaring over the world’s tallest peaks, it thrives in one of the harshest environments on Earth, using its powerful wings to glide effortlessly through thin mountain air.

See if you can name the other vultures of the region, then check out the Vultures of the World map to see them all!

❤️ An Incredible Global Family

Across the world, vultures play a vital role in keeping ecosystems healthy. By disposing of carcasses and preventing the spread of disease, they help ensure the survival of countless other species. Our Birdorable Vultures of the World poster celebrates these fascinating creatures in a colorful, educational, and fun way. Download the PDF here.

Each species is drawn in our signature Birdorable style, making them as cute as they are captivating. Whether you’re a birdwatcher, a conservationist, or just a fan of vultures, this poster offers a delightful way to learn more about these important birds.

Also Available En Español

And for our Spanish-speaking friends, this poster is also available as Buitres del Mundo, so you can enjoy it in either language!

Cute Birdorable Vulture Gifts


Woodpiecer on September 8, 2024 at 1:42 AM wrote:
Why is there blood in one of the White-backed Vulture's head?

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