The African Blue Tit is a small, striking bird. It features a blue cap and wings, with a vibrant yellow underbelly and a greenish back. Its face is white with a black eye stripe and a narrow black collar, similar to its Eurasian relative.
This species inhabits various environments, including woodlands, gardens, and savannas, across parts of North Africa and the Canary Islands. It prefers areas with plenty of trees and shrubs for nesting and foraging.
African Blue Tits are known for their energetic and acrobatic feeding behavior. They primarily eat insects and spiders, often hanging upside down to access food on leaves. They also consume seeds and visit bird feeders when available.
Their song consists of lively trills and whistles. During the breeding season, they are particularly active and vocal, defending their territories with vigor.
Nesting usually takes place in tree cavities or nest boxes. The female lays up to 8-10 eggs, which hatch after about two weeks. Both parents feed the chicks, primarily with caterpillars and other insects.