Azure Tit

About the Azure Tit

Also known as: Yellow-breasted Blue Tit, Yellow-breasted Tit, Pleske's Tit
Birdorable Azure Tit

The Azure Tit is a small songbird that is found in parts of Russia and central Asia. This little cutie is in the same family as chickadees and titmice. There are at least eight different recognized subspecies of Azure Tit.

Azure Tits are found in different types of forest habitat. Their diet is varied and includes many types of insects and their eggs and larvae, as well as plant material like seeds, fruits, and berries.

Azure Tits are cavity nesters, using holes in trees but also other cavities like man-made poles or in a crevice among rocks. The female builds a nest cup inside the cavity and lines it with soft material like animal fur and moss.

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