Wild Turkey

About the Wild Turkey

Birdorable Wild Turkey

The Wild Turkey is a large, ground-dwelling bird native to North America. It has a broad, fan-shaped tail and iridescent plumage that shifts from bronze and green to gold in sunlight. Males, or toms, are especially striking with their bald, red-and-blue heads, long, drooping wattles, and spurred legs. Females, called hens, are smaller and duller in color, offering better camouflage for nesting.

Wild Turkeys are highly social birds, often traveling in flocks. During the spring, males perform elaborate courtship displays, puffing up their feathers, fanning their tails, and gobbling loudly to attract hens. They are strong fliers over short distances, often roosting in trees at night for safety. They prefer eating hard mast such as acorns and nuts of various trees, including hazel, chestnut, and hickory, various seeds, berries, roots and insects.

These birds thrive in mixed habitats of forests and open fields. They prefer wooded areas for roosting and nesting but rely on adjacent clearings for feeding. Historically, their populations declined due to hunting and habitat loss, but conservation efforts have helped them rebound. Today, Wild Turkeys are common throughout much of their range and are an iconic species in American culture.

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