Stork-billed Kingfisher

About the Stork-billed Kingfisher

Also known as: Brown-headed Kingfisher
Birdorable Stork-billed Kingfisher

The Stork-billed Kingfisher is a stocky species of tree kingfisher found across India and southeast Asia. At least fifteen subspecies are recognized by ornithologists. The bird is also known as the Brown-headed Kingfisher.

Stork-billed Kingfishers have greenish-blue or blue feathers on the back and wings, buffy feathers across the neck and chest, and olive-brown heads. The different subspecies have plumage variations, but all have very large and heavy bills for which the species is named.

Stork-billed Kingfishers feed on fish, crabs, reptiles, large insects, and even other birds. They usually hunt for prey from a perched position. 

Details & Statistics

International Names

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