Prothonotary Warbler

About the Prothonotary Warbler

Birdorable Prothonotary Warbler

The Prothonotary Warbler is easily recognizable by its vibrant yellow body and striking blue-gray wings and tail. This small songbird is one of the few warblers that nests in cavities, often using old woodpecker holes or artificial nest boxes. The vivid coloration is especially prominent in males, while females exhibit slightly paler shades.

These warblers are known for their distinctive nesting habits, preferring swampy forests or wooded areas near water bodies. They are most commonly found in the southeastern United States during breeding season, where they thrive in flooded areas like cypress swamps. Their nests are often built close to or over water, adding a layer of protection against predators.

During the winter months, Prothonotary Warblers migrate to Central and South America, where they stay in mangrove swamps and tropical forests. Despite their migration, they show high fidelity to their breeding sites, often returning to the same nesting area year after year.

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