Rock Pigeon

About the Rock Pigeon

Also known as: Feral Pigeon, Domestic Pigeon, City Dove, City Pigeon, Pigeon
Birdorable Rock Pigeon

The Rock Pigeon is a member of the bird family Columbidae, doves and pigeons. It has a restricted natural resident range in western and southern Europe, North Africa, and into southwest Asia. Its habitat is natural cliffs, usually on coasts. Its domesticated form, the feral pigeon, has been widely introduced elsewhere, and is common, especially in cities, over much of the world. In Britain, Ireland, and much of its former range, the Rock Pigeon probably only occurs pure in the most remote areas. A Rock Pigeon's life span is anywhere from 3 to 5 years in the wild to 15 years in captivity, though longer-lived specimens have been reported.

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