Hermit Thrush

About the Hermit Thrush

Also known as: Dwarf Hermit Thrush, Dwarf Thrush, Little Thrush, Swamp Angel
Birdorable Hermit Thrush

The Hermit Thrush is a medium-sized songbird of the thrush family. Males and females look alike. They have pink legs and white eye-rings.

Hermit Thrushes generally breed in North American forest habitat. They are migratory, and may spend the winter in more open habitat like wooded residential neighborhoods. Their winter range includes much of the southern half of the United States, down into Mexico and Central America. They feed primariy on insects and berries.

The Hermit Thrush is the state bird of Vermont. They have a beautiful, flute-like song that is often sung from an elevated position.

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