The Green-cheeked Conure is a species of parrot that lives in south-central South America. It is also known as the Green-cheeked Parakeet.
There are six subspecies of the Green-cheeked Conure; the "Yellow-sided Conure" is a natural color morph of one of these subspecies. Popular in aviculture, the species also has several different color mutations that have been bred in the pet trade. The mutation "Pineapple Green-cheeked Conure" is derived from the "Yellow-sided" and "Cinnamon" mutations. They are similar to the Maroon-bellied Conure; in the past they were considered to be the same species.
In the wild, Green-cheeked Parakeets flock together in groups of 10 to 20 or more birds. They are forest or woodland birds. They feed on seeds and fruits.
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Hatched December 14, 2007
Brazilian (Português brasileiro)
ホオミドリウロコインコ (Hinomaruurokoinko)
Зеленощёкий краснохвостый