Also known as: Eurasian Flamingo, European Flamingo
The Greater Flamingo is a large, graceful wading bird found in parts of Africa, Southern Europe, and South Asia. They are known for their striking pink plumage, long necks, and stilt-like legs.
Greater Flamingos inhabit shallow coastal lagoons, salt pans, and estuaries. Their pink coloration comes from carotenoid pigments in their diet, which consists mainly of algae, crustaceans, and small invertebrates. They use their specialized, filter-feeding beaks to sift food from the water and mud.
These birds are highly social and form large colonies that can number in the thousands. Their synchronized group displays and courtship dances are fascinating to watch. During the breeding season, they build mud mound nests where females typically lay a single egg. Both parents share the responsibility of incubating the egg and feeding the chick.
Birds have a unique way of keeping their feathers in top shape, thanks to a special gland called the uropygial gland. Also known as the preen gland, this small but important organ is located near the base of a bird’s tail. It produces an oily secretion that birds... Read more »
Flamingos are known for being pink. To wrap up our first-ever Flamingo Week, we're sharing a couple of fun coloring pages featuring these iconic birds. Have fun coloring in these cartoon birds with different shades: carnation; blush; mauvelous; primrose; salmon; coral; fuschia; or roseate.
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Flamingo Week continues today with some interesting flamingo extremes and odd facts about this family of pink birds.
Extremely Social Birds
Flamingos live in colonies that may number thousands of individuals. Breeding is also colonial, with birds typically separating into smaller groups of 7-25 pairs. Breeding follows synchronized dancing displays... Read more »
Because of their large size and flashy colors, flamingos capture the imagination of bird lovers and wildlife observers. And because some of the species in this family are facing threats to their survival, flamingos are often featured in the news. Here are some stories... Read more »