Graylag Goose

About the Graylag Goose

Also known as: Greylag Goose, Greylag, Graylag, Wild Goose
Birdorable Graylag Goose

The Greylag Goose is a large, gray-brown goose with a bulky body, an orange or pink bill, and pale legs. Its back and wings are grayish-brown with lighter edges, while its chest and belly are pale. In flight, its broad wings reveal striking white bars. The Greylag is the ancestor of many domestic goose breeds and can look quite familiar. It is the ancestor to domestic goose species, such as the Embden Goose.

Greylag Geese are native to Europe and Asia, favoring freshwater wetlands, marshes, and lakes. They are also found in agricultural lands where they often graze in stubble fields. During migration, they travel great distances to wintering grounds in milder climates.

These geese are highly social and often seen in large flocks, especially during migration. They are grazers, feeding primarily on grasses, roots, and seeds, often foraging in wetlands, farmland, and grassy meadows. Greylags are strong flyers and communicate with loud, honking calls that echo across their habitats.

This species is a familiar sight across much of its range and has a stable population, thanks to its adaptability to human-modified landscapes.

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