Eurasian Bullfinch

About the Eurasian Bullfinch

Also known as: Northern Bullfinch, Common Bullfinch, Bullfinch
Birdorable Eurasian Bullfinch

The Eurasian Bullfinch, also known as the Common Bullfinch or simply Bullfinch, is a beautiful little bird of the finch family. Eurasian Bullfinches live across much of Europe and into temperate parts of Asia.

Male Eurasian Bullfinches have grey upperparts and rosy red underparts. Their wings are black with white bars. Females have greyish brown underparts. Eurasian Bullfinches have large heads and heavy finch bills.

Eurasian Bullfinches are shy and secretive, visiting feeding stations only when ample cover is available. They travel in small groups, not gathering in large flocks like other finch species.

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