Double-crested Cormorant

About the Double-crested Cormorant

Also known as: Florida Cormorant, White-tufted Cormorant, Farallon Cormorant
Birdorable Double-crested Cormorant

The Double-crested Cormorant is an species of seabird with a wide distribution across much of North America. They are found near water, either fresh or salt, where they hunt for fish by diving underwater.

Double-crested Cormorants have an all-black plumage. They are named for the feathers that develop into crests on either side of the head during breeding season. These crests can be black or white or a mixture of each. Both males and females develop the crests.

Double-crested Cormorants are common and widespread throughout their range. Their conservation status is Least Concern as of February 2014.

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