Cinereous Vulture

About the Cinereous Vulture

Also known as: Black Vulture, Monk Vulture, Eurasian Black Vulture
Birdorable Cinereous Vulture

The Cinereous Vulture is one of the largest and heaviest raptors in the world, with dark brown to black plumage and a broad wingspan. Its large, featherless pale head is adapted to its scavenging lifestyle, allowing it to stay clean while feeding on carrion. These vultures have powerful bills that can tear into even the toughest of hides.

They primarily inhabit mountainous areas, open woodlands, and grasslands across southern Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Cinereous Vultures are often solitary or seen in pairs, though they may gather in groups around a large carcass. They nest in tall trees or cliffs, building massive nests made of sticks.

As scavengers, Cinereous Vultures play a vital ecological role by helping to clean up dead animal remains. They can travel great distances in search of food, using their excellent vision to locate carcasses from high in the sky. 

While not classified as endangered, these vultures are listed as "Near Threatened" due to habitat loss, poisoning from carcasses laced with pesticides, and a decline in available food sources in some regions.

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