Burrowing Parakeet

About the Burrowing Parakeet

Also known as: Burrowing Conure, Burrowing Parrot, Patagonian Parrot, Patagonian Conure
Birdorable Burrowing Parakeet

The Burrowing Parakeet is a small species of parrot that lives in Argentina and other parts of South America. They live in an arid habitat and dig nest burrows in soft sandstone or limestone.

Burrowing Parakeets are highly monogamous and socially gregarious; nests in burrowing colonies may be very close together or even become interconnected.

The Burrowing Parakeet is also known as the Patagonian Conure. The species is fairly common in the pet trade. In the wild, Burrowing Parakeets have a large natural range and have a conservation status of Least Concern as of June 2013.

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