The Blue-headed Macaw, also known as Coulon's Macaw, is a small but strikingly colored parrot. The most distinctive feature of this macaw is its bright blue head, which contrasts sharply with its mostly green body. The wings have flashes of blue and the tail feathers are blue with green tips. This coloring makes it quite distinctive among the larger, more commonly known macaws.
Native to the tropical forests of Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil, Blue-headed Macaws prefer dense forest environments near rivers and streams. They are less frequently observed than other macaws, often found in small, tight-knit groups that maintain a discreet profile amidst the forest canopy.
Dietarily, these macaws feed on a variety of fruits, nuts, and seeds. Uniquely, they are also known to consume clay from riverbanks, which helps detoxify their bodies from any harmful substances in their diet.
Despite their beauty and fascinating behaviors, Blue-headed Macaws face threats from habitat destruction and the illegal pet trade. These challenges make conservation efforts critical for ensuring their survival in the wild.
Added to Birdorable
Hatched November 27, 2017
15.6 to 16 inches
(39.6 to 40.6 cm)
7.3 to 10.4 ounces
(207 to 294.8 grams)
Brazilian (Português brasileiro)
ヤマヒメコンゴウインコ [yamahimekongouinko]