Baltimore Oriole

About the Baltimore Oriole

Birdorable Baltimore Oriole

The Baltimore Oriole is a beautiful bright orange and black bird that breeds across North America and migrates south in flocks to Mexico, Central America and northern South America. It is the state bird of Maryland and the Baltimore Orioles Major League Baseball team was named after this bird.

Baltimore Orioles forage in trees and shrubs and make short flights to catch insects. Backyard birders like to attract these birds with special oriole feeders, which contain the same food as hummingbird feeders, but are designed specifically for orioles: they are orange instead of red and have larger perches. Baltimore Orioles are also fond of halved oranges and grape jelly.

Baltimore Orioles have a loud, strong song. To some birdwatchers, part of their repertoire sounds like Here here! Come right here, dear!

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