African Firefinch

About the African Firefinch

Also known as: Pale-billed Firefinch, Dark Firefinch, Blue-billed Firefinch
Birdorable African Firefinch

The African Firefinch is a small species of finch with a wide range across parts of sub-Saharn Africa. It lives in a variety of habitats, including woodland, forest and forest edges, and bushy grassland. These omnivorous birds feed on seeds and insects.

Male African Firefinches (like our Birdorable example) can be recognized by their dark red body plumage and olive-brown wings. They also have distinctive white spots on the flanks. Females are similar with a less intense vibrancy. There are four or five recognized subspecies, depending on the taxonomy authority. These differ slightly in coloration (plumage) and range.

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