Also known as: Reinita Mariposera (local name)
Adelaide's Warbler is a bright and active songbird found only in Puerto Rico. It has a striking yellow throat, chest, and belly, with a grayish back and a distinctive white eye-ring. A small black mark on the sides of its face gives it a sharp, alert expression. Males and females look similar, making them easy to identify in the field.
This warbler is mostly found in dry forests and scrubby areas, where it flits through the trees in search of insects. It is constantly moving, hopping between branches and flicking its tail. Its song is a series of high, musical notes, which it uses to communicate with others and defend its territory.
Unlike migratory warblers, Adelaide's Warbler stays in Puerto Rico year-round. It builds cup-shaped nests in low shrubs or trees, carefully weaving plant fibers and spider silk to create a sturdy home for its eggs. Although habitat loss has affected some of its range, it remains a common sight in suitable areas.
Brazilian (Português brasileiro)
キバラアメリカムシクイ [kibaraamerikamushikui]