Birdorable White Stork on roof

The myth that storks deliver babies is a charming, old tale rooted in folklore, but it has no basis in reality. Storks don’t actually deliver babies, of course! This idea likely arose from a combination of the bird’s natural behavior and ancient symbolism.

The popularity of the myth originates in Europe, where the common breeding White Stork is the species in question. Behaviors of these migratory birds, in addition to cultural trends and other factors, may contribute to the myth of storks delivering babies. The myth is known in North America as well, though our only native stork is a very different looking bird, the Wood Stork.

Storks are symbols of new life and fertility

In many cultures, storks have long been associated with birth and family. This connection might stem from the bird’s migration patterns and nesting habits. White Storks, which are common in Europe and parts of Africa, return to their breeding grounds in the spring, a season often linked with new beginnings and fertility. People noticed that storks often built their nests on rooftops or chimneys, close to human habitation. The arrival of storks around the same time families were expecting new babies created a symbolic link between the birds and new life.

Storks are attentive parents

Storks are known to be very caring and nurturing parents. They build large, sturdy nests where they raise their chicks, and both parents are involved in feeding and protecting their young. This nurturing behavior may have contributed to the idea that storks were somehow connected with caring for newborns, leading to stories about them delivering babies.

Folklore and storytelling

The stork baby myth was popularized by European folklore. In Northern Europe, especially in Germany and Scandinavia, storks were considered lucky and were seen as harbingers of good fortune. According to folklore, if a stork built a nest on your house, it was a sign that good things, including babies, were coming. Parents likely used the stork story as a way to explain the arrival of a baby to young children, simplifying the mysterious process of birth in a way that was wholesome and magical.

White Stork nest by Tambako The Jaguar (CC BY-ND 2.0)

Influence of literature

One of the reasons the stork myth became widespread in modern culture is the work of Hans Christian Andersen, a famous Danish author. In 1838, he wrote a fairy tale called The Storks, in which storks deliver babies to families. This story spread throughout Europe and beyond, reinforcing the connection between storks and childbirth. Eventually, it became a commonly told story in many cultures.

Victorian-era sensibilities

During the Victorian era, discussions about childbirth and reproduction were considered somewhat taboo, especially around children. The stork story provided a convenient way for parents to avoid detailed explanations of human reproduction, offering a whimsical, innocent explanation instead. This helped the myth stick, and it became a go-to story for parents explaining where babies come from.

The timing of stork migrations and birth seasons

In some parts of Europe, the arrival of storks after their migration coincided with the birth of many babies, especially in spring and summer. Historically, late spring and summer were common times for babies to be born, since pregnancies tended to start during winter, when families spent more time indoors. The overlap between stork migrations and baby booms may have helped reinforce the myth.

While storks don’t deliver babies, the myth has endured because of its warmth, simplicity, and the bird’s association with fertility and new beginnings. Today, we still see the stork in cartoons, greeting cards, and baby shower decorations, keeping this old legend alive in popular culture.

Cute White Stork Gifts

Birdorable Vulture Nature's Clean Up Crew Design

Nature's Clean Up Crew featuring the Birdorable Rueppell's Vulture

Vultures have a reputation for being dirty, filthy, and unappealing. This stereotype likely comes from their unique diet and their habit of scavenging on carcasses. But the truth is that vultures are some of the cleanest birds around, and they play a vital role in maintaining the health of our ecosystems. Let’s bust the myth that vultures are dirty birds and explore the many ways they contribute to a cleaner, healthier environment.

First, let’s talk about why vultures have such a bad rap. Vultures feed primarily on dead animals. The idea of eating rotting meat doesn’t exactly scream cleanliness. But vultures are equipped with some fascinating adaptations that allow them to safely consume carrion without getting sick. Their stomachs produce incredibly strong acids, which are capable of neutralizing dangerous bacteria and viruses found in decaying meat, including pathogens like anthrax and botulism that would be lethal to most other animals.

Not only do vultures handle these dangerous pathogens with ease, but they also help prevent the spread of disease. By consuming dead animals, vultures remove potential breeding grounds for bacteria and viruses. Without vultures, carcasses would linger in the environment, attracting other scavengers that might not be as efficient at cleaning up. This could lead to outbreaks of disease that could affect both wildlife and humans. So, rather than being dirty, vultures are nature’s cleanup crew, playing a crucial role in keeping ecosystems healthy.

Birdorable Lappet-faced Vulture

Lappet-faced Vulture

Another reason vultures get a bad reputation is their appearance. Most species have bald heads and necks, which can give them a somewhat, subjectively, unattractive look. But there’s a good reason for their lack of feathers in these areas. When vultures feed, they often have to stick their heads deep into carcasses to reach the meat. If they had feathers on their heads, these would quickly become matted with blood and other fluids, leading to a messy, unhygienic situation. Instead, their bald skin is easier to keep clean. After feeding, vultures will often sunbathe, which not only helps them dry off but also kills off any bacteria that might be lingering on their skin.

Vultures are also known for their unusual behavior of defecating on their legs. While this might seem gross at first glance, it’s actually another clever adaptation. This behavior, known as urohydrosis, helps vultures cool down on hot days since the evaporating liquid carries away heat. Additionally, vulture droppings are highly acidic, which means they help kill off any bacteria that might be present on the birds' legs after they’ve been walking around on carcasses.

Despite their crucial role in the ecosystem, vultures are often misunderstood and even persecuted. In some cultures, they’re associated with death and bad omens, which has led to negative perceptions. But in reality, vultures are vital to our environment. Their presence reduces the spread of diseases, and they help to keep natural areas free of decaying matter that could otherwise harm other wildlife.

Photo of Griffon Vultures

Eurasian Griffons

In some parts of the world, vulture populations are declining due to poisoning, habitat loss, and other human activities. This is not only a tragedy for the birds themselves but also for the ecosystems that depend on them. As vulture numbers dwindle, the rate of disease transmission from decaying carcasses could increase, affecting both animals and people.

For further reading, check out this fascinating article on the correlation between the decline of vultures in India with an increase in human deaths: When Vultures Nearly Disappeared in India, Half a Million People Died, Too, Study Finds. 

“Vultures provide an incredible disposal service for free. A group of vultures takes about 45 minutes to turn a cow carcass into bone." [...] The death of the vultures was “the largest sanitation shock you could imagine, where you have 50 million (cow) carcasses every year not being disposed of [...]”

It’s time to change the way we think about vultures. These birds are far from dirty—they’re nature’s sanitation workers, ensuring that our environment stays clean and disease-free. Next time you see a vulture soaring overhead, remember that they’re doing us all a favor by taking care of the mess that others leave behind.

Birdorable Ruby-throated Hummingbird flying

Hummingbirds are known for their extraordinary flight capabilities, including their unique ability to fly backwards. Unlike many bird-related myths, this particular belief is entirely true. Hummingbirds are indeed capable of backward flight, a remarkable skill that sets them apart from almost all other bird species. To better understand, let's look at the mechanics behind this ability and see why hummingbirds are such exceptional fliers.

The key to a hummingbird's aerial prowess lies in its wings and the way it flaps them. Unlike most birds, which primarily use up-and-down wing strokes to generate lift and thrust, hummingbirds employ a figure-eight motion with their wings. This motion allows them to produce lift on both the upstroke and downstroke, enabling them to hover in place with pinpoint accuracy. 

When a hummingbird wants to fly backwards, it simply adjusts the angle of its wings and the direction of its wingbeats. By reversing the direction of the figure-eight motion, hummingbirds can generate thrust in the opposite direction, propelling themselves backward. This adaptation is particularly useful when navigating tight spaces, such as when they are feeding on nectar from flowers or avoiding obstacles in dense foliage.

The ability to fly backwards is not the only impressive aspect of hummingbird flight. These tiny birds can also hover, fly sideways, and perform rapid, acrobatic maneuvers. Their flight muscles are incredibly powerful, making up 25-30% of their body weight, which is significantly more than the flight muscle mass of most other birds. This muscle power, combined with their rapid wingbeats—ranging up to 80 beats per second—allows hummingbirds to execute their complex flight patterns with ease.

Backward flight is crucial for hummingbirds' feeding habits. These birds primarily feed on nectar, which they extract from flowers using their long, specialized bills and extendable tongues. When feeding, hummingbirds often need to hover in front of flowers and occasionally move backward to position themselves correctly or retreat from a flower they have finished feeding from.

If you've ever watched a hummingbird feeding, you have probably seen this behavior and not even realized it, because it happens fast and naturally. The hummingbird simply zips from flower to flower (or nectar port to nectar port on a feeder), and in the process ends up moving backwards as it goes between the blossoms. This ability to maneuver with such precision is essential for ease of feeding, and thus their survival, as it enables them to efficiently exploit a wide range of floral resources.

Myth: Confirmed!

The myth that hummingbirds can fly backwards is not a myth at all but a fascinating fact. Their unique wing structure and powerful flight muscles enable them to perform a range of impressive aerial maneuvers, including backward flight. This remarkable skill is just one of the many adaptations that make hummingbirds such captivating and extraordinary creatures.

Thanks for following along for our celebration of hummingbirds here at Birdorable during Hummingbird Week, in conjunction with Pollinator Week! We hope you enjoyed the new additions to Birdorable's hummingbird family and that you learned something about these tiny feathered jewels!

Cute Birdorable Hummingbird Gifts

Birdorable hummingbirds at feeder

A common myth surrounding hummingbirds is that feeding them in the fall will prevent them from migrating. This myth suggests that providing a food source during migration season will encourage hummingbirds to stay in one place rather than making their long journey south for the winter. However, this belief is not supported by scientific evidence. Let's explore why this myth persists and the reality of how hummingbird migration works.

Why Do Hummingbirds Migrate?

Hummingbird migration is primarily driven by instinct and environmental cues, not by the availability of food. As the amount of daylight decreases in the fall, migratory hummingbirds experience hormonal changes that trigger their behavior and movements. These changes prompt them to start their journey to their wintering grounds, regardless of the local food supply. This instinct is deeply ingrained and ensures that they migrate to warmer climates where they can find abundant food during the colder months.

Should We Feed Hummingbirds in the Fall?

Providing food for hummingbirds in the fall can actually be beneficial for these tiny travelers. During migration, hummingbirds need to consume large amounts of energy to fuel their long flights. A reliable food source, such as a well-maintained feeder filled with a simple solution of sugar water, can help them build up the fat reserves they need for their journey. Far from discouraging migration, feeding hummingbirds can support their natural behavior by ensuring they have the necessary energy to make the trip.

Another reason the myth persists is the observation of lingering hummingbirds at feeders in the fall. Some people mistakenly believe that the presence of these birds means they are delaying or foregoing migration due to the easy food source. In reality, these birds are usually just stopping by feeders to refuel before continuing their journey. Additionally, some hummingbirds naturally migrate later than others, so it's not uncommon to see them visiting feeders well into the fall season.

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds at a feeder by dfaulder (CC BY 2.0)

It's also important to note that there are different species of hummingbirds with varying migration patterns. For example, the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, commonly found in eastern North America, typically migrates to Central America for the winter. In contrast, some species on the West Coast, like the Anna's Hummingbird, may stay in milder climates year-round or only migrate short distances. Understanding the specific migration habits of the hummingbirds in your area can help dispel the myth further.

To support migrating hummingbirds, it's recommended to keep feeders up until at least two weeks after you see the last hummingbird in the fall. This practice ensures that any late migrants passing through will have access to a valuable food source. Just remember to keep the feeders clean and filled with fresh nectar to prevent the growth of harmful mold and bacteria.

Hummingbird Myth: Busted!

The myth that feeding hummingbirds in the fall will stop them from migrating is unfounded. Hummingbirds are guided by instinct and environmental cues to migrate, and providing them with food can actually aid in their long journey. By maintaining feeders during migration season, we can help these remarkable birds get the energy they need to travel to their wintering grounds safely.

How to Make Hummingbird Nectar

It's easy to make the ideal hummingbird food for your feeding station. Just mix sugar and water together without any additives, artificial sweeteners, or dyes. The recipe is simply 1 part sugar with 4 parts water. Clean your feeders often to prevent mold and the spread of disease. The National Zoo has more information here: Hummingbird Nectar Recipe

Birdorable Hummingbird Gifts

Hummingbird Week 2024

Busting a Bird Myth: Can Hummingbirds Walk?

Hummingbirds are fascinating creatures known for their incredible flight abilities and iridescent plumage. One intriguing aspect of their biology is their feet, which have given rise to a common myth: hummingbirds' feet are only strong enough for perching, and therefore hummingbirds cannot walk. While this statement contains a kernel of truth, it is a bit of an oversimplification. For Hummingbird Week, let's explore the reality behind this myth and uncover the unique adaptations of hummingbird feet.

Hummingbirds have very small, delicate feet, which are indeed primarily adapted for perching rather than walking. These tiny birds have evolved feet that allow them to cling to branches, leaves, or feeders securely. Their toes are equipped with strong, curved claws that can grip tightly onto perches. This adaptation is essential for their survival, as it enables them to rest between their frequent and energetically costly flights.

Close-up of small, delicate hummingbird feet, dangling as the bird hovers and feeds

Like most birds, hummingbirds have three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe. The inner surface of the claws are ridged for better gripping when perched. 

Although hummingbirds can grip and perch effectively, their feet are not well-suited for walking or hopping on the ground. Their legs are relatively short and weak, and they lack knees, which limits their ability to move around on flat surfaces. When on the ground, hummingbirds may appear clumsy, and their movements are more like shuffling than walking. This lack of walking ability is because their legs and feet are highly specialized for minimizing weight and maximizing efficiency in the air.

Hummingbirds' exceptional flight capabilities further explain why their feet are not designed for walking. These birds are among the most agile fliers in the avian world, capable of hovering, flying backwards, and making rapid, intricate maneuvers. Their wings beat incredibly fast, sometimes up to 80 times per second, requiring a lightweight body structure to support this intense activity. Streamlined little legs and feet contribute to their overall aerodynamic efficiency.

Myth not busted, but explained: while the myth that hummingbirds cannot walk is not entirely accurate, it highlights the fascinating adaptations these birds have evolved to thrive in their ecological niche. Their feet are perfectly suited for perching, allowing them to rest and conserve energy between feeding on nectar, catching insects, and performing their remarkable aerial displays.

Understanding the unique adaptations of hummingbird feet gives us a deeper appreciation for these extraordinary birds. It also underscores the incredible diversity of the avian world, where each species has evolved specialized traits to survive and flourish in its environment.

Birdorable female American Robin feeding young birds in nest

Female American Robin feeding young in nest

One of the most pervasive myths about birds is that they will abandon their babies if humans touch them. This belief often deters well-meaning individuals from assisting fledglings that appear to be in distress or have fallen from their nests. However, this myth is largely unfounded. Understanding the truth behind this belief and the realities of bird behavior can help us make better decisions when encountering baby birds.

The myth likely stems from a misunderstanding of bird behavior and the way birds interact with their environment. Birds have a very limited sense of smell compared to humans. Most songbirds, for instance, rely primarily on sight and sound rather than smell to identify their young and their nests. This means that if a human touches a baby bird, the parents will not be able to detect human scent on their offspring.

Birds are highly devoted to their young, and abandoning them is not a common behavior. Parental investment in the form of feeding and protecting their chicks is crucial for the survival of their species. Birds have evolved strong parental instincts to ensure the continuation of their genetic lineage. Therefore, most birds will not abandon their babies simply because they have been touched by humans.

Monitoring a Mountain Bluebird nest box in Wyoming by Mountain Bluebird Nestbox Trail Project

This is demonstrated in the many bird study programs that use nest box checks for research. For example, bluebird nest monitoring programs offer a prime example of how birds do not abandon their young even when they are touched by humans. These programs involve regular inspections of nest boxes to monitor the health and progress of bluebird chicks. 

It's always best for a bird to be raised by its own kind, so if a chick gets into trouble and needs help, rehabilitators will try to get the bird back into its nest if at all possible. Bird rehabbers sometimes even place orphaned birds into the nests of other birds of the same species. So not only will parent birds not abandon a bird that was touched by a person -- they will care for adopted birds of the same age as their own young. Birds can't count, and will take care of all of the babies in their nest as best they can. This practice can help ensure the orphaned chick receives proper care and have the best chance to survive with wild parents.

Rehabilitated Osprey chick being placed back into wild nest by Virginia State Parks (CC BY 2.0 Deed)

There are, however, certain circumstances where birds might abandon their nests, but these are usually related to extreme disturbances or threats. Frequent human interference, predation, or significant changes in the environment can sometimes lead to nest abandonment. A single instance of a human touching or picking up a chick in need is unlikely to trigger such a drastic response.

When you find a baby bird out of its nest, it’s important to understand the distinction between a nestling and a fledgling. Nestlings are very young birds that lack fully developed feathers and are entirely dependent on their parents. If you find an uninjured nestling on the ground, it’s often best to try and return it to its nest if you can locate it. The parents will almost certainly continue to care for it.

Fledglings, on the other hand, are slightly older chicks that have left the nest but may not yet be fully capable of sustained flight. They often spend time on the ground while they learn to fly and are still under the watchful eye of their parents. Finding an uninjured fledgling on the ground is usually not a cause for concern, as its parents are likely nearby and continuing to feed and protect it.

If the chick is injured or in danger, or you're unsure of what to do, contact a local wildlife rehabilitator for advice. Do not attempt to feed the chick or care for it yourself.

Myth: Busted!

The myth that birds will abandon their babies if touched by humans is not true. Birds are dedicated parents and will not desert their chicks due to human scent. Understanding bird behavior can help us make better decisions when we encounter young birds and ensure we provide appropriate assistance when needed.

Birdorable Ruby-throated Hummingbird with nest and chicks

Ruby-throated Hummingbird with nest

When it comes to raising their young, birds exhibit a fascinating array of parenting strategies.

One common myth about bird parenting is that it always requires two parents — one male and one female — to successfully raise their young. While this is true for many bird species, it's not a universal rule. The parenting styles in the avian world are as varied and complex as the birds themselves. The truth is much more nuanced and interesting. Let's explore the myth that two parents are required to raise baby birds.

American Robin Tending Young by Courtney Celley/USFWS (Public Domain)

Paired Chick-Rearing Is Typical

In many bird species, parenting is indeed a dual activity. Take, for example, the familiar American Robin. While the female takes care of incubating the eggs, both are involved in feeding and protecting the fledglings. This shared responsibility ensures that at least one parent is always guarding and nurturing the offspring, increasing their survival chances in the unpredictable wild.

Similarly, some species of penguins are famed for their cooperative parenting. In the strategy of the Emperor Penguin, the male takes the first long shift standing over the eggs through the harshest winter conditions, without eating, while the female goes to sea to feed. Upon her return, roles switch, with the female taking over chick-rearing duties. This level of mutual participation is crucial for survival in their extreme environment.

Sometimes Single Parenting Is the Norm

Despite the prevalence of this model, several bird species challenge the notion that two parents are strictly necessary. In some species, single-parent families are not only common but are the norm. For instance, in the case of the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, females manage the bulk of parenting duties on their own, from brooding to feeding and protection.

In the case of the African Jacana, the female is the dominant and more territorial individual. She mates with multiple males, and it’s these males who incubate the eggs and take care of the chicks solo. This role reversal shows how diverse bird parenting can be.

Female Ruby-throated Hummingbird feeds nestlings by Lorie Shaull (CC BY 2.0 Deed)

Some Species Practice Breeding Cooperation

The variability in bird parenting strategies extends even further with communal breeding, where multiple birds share parenting duties, sometimes involving individuals that are not the biological parents of or even biologically related to the young. Species like the Acorn Woodpecker live in large family groups where several females lay eggs in the same nest and the group collectively takes care of all the young. This communal approach can alleviate the burden on any single bird and enhance the survival rates of the nestlings.

In some species of birds, such as the Florida Scrub-Jay, older siblings from previous broods help in feeding and protecting the new chicks of subsequent broods. This behavior not only supports the current breeding pair but also provides valuable parenting experience to the younger birds.

Chipping Sparrow feeding baby cowbird by Sue Thompson (CC BY-ND 2.0 Deed)

Zero Parenting: Brood Parasitism

Then there are brood parasites like the Brown-headed Cowbird, who lay their eggs in the nests of other bird species. The cowbird chick, once hatched, often pushes out the host's eggs and becomes the sole beneficiary of the unsuspecting foster parents' care. This strategy completely removes the biological parents from the nurturing equation, relying instead on deception for the survival of the offspring.

The reasons behind these varied parenting strategies are complex and influenced by ecological and evolutionary pressures. Factors such as predator density, food availability, and environmental conditions can dictate whether a species evolves to favor single parenting, bi-parental care, or communal breeding.

The Loss of an Adult In Paired Chick-Rearing

In species where two parents are generally involved in raising the chicks, the presence of both ensures optimal care: one can forage for food while the other protects and warms the young. However, should one parent perish, the remaining parent may face increased challenges but not necessarily insurmountable ones. The success of single-parenting in such cases largely depends on factors like the species’ natural behavior, the stage of the nestling period, and the environmental conditions.

For instance, in many songbirds, if the male dies after the chicks have hatched, the female alone might still manage to raise the chicks to fledging. This is possible because the most labor-intensive period requiring both parents, which includes egg incubation and early chick rearing, may have passed. At this stage, the demand is primarily for feeding the rapidly growing chicks. If food is abundant and the threats from predators are minimal, a single mother could potentially manage the workload alone.

In the case of the death of the female, leaving the male to care for the eggs or very young chicks, the scenario might be different. In many bird species, males might not be physiologically equipped to incubate eggs or might not have the behavior programmed for such tasks. 

As demonstrated in the examples above, environmental factors play a significant role in nest survival when one parent is lost. In a habitat where food is plentiful and easily accessible, the surviving parent has a better chance of successfully feeding the chicks and themselves. However, in a scenario where food is scarce or requires significant effort to obtain, the stress and physical demands on the single parent could lead to lower success rates for the nest. And the timing of the parent’s death certainly affects outcomes. 

Some bird species have also shown the capacity to find new mates quickly if their partner dies, thereby restoring the dual care system. This flexibility can greatly enhance the survival prospects of the current brood.

Dual Parenting In Birds Myth: Busted

The myth that all birds require two parents to successfully raise their young does not hold up under scrutiny. The avian world is rich with diverse parenting strategies, each adapted to the specific needs and challenges of different species. This diversity demonstrates the adaptability and complexity of birds, making them endlessly fascinating subjects of study and observation.

Birdorable Eurasian Eagle-Owl

Eurasian Eagle-Owl

As part of our continuing series on bird myths, today we unravel the truth behind a familiar claim: Owls Can Turn Their Heads 360 Degrees. While this statement stretches the truth by nearly 100 degrees, the reality is no less astonishing. Owls are indeed masters of neck gymnastics, possessing the ability to rotate their heads up to an impressive 270 degrees, which is 3/4 of the way around. This incredible feat of flexibility is no party trick -- it serves a critical role in the survival and hunting strategies of these nocturnal raptors.

The myth of 360-degree neck swivels is rooted in what humans can observe in owls. One can imagine that seeing an owl look directly behind themselves without turning their body might lead someone to believe that owls can actually turn their heads all the way around. But careful observation will reveal the truth -- the bird must turn its head back the way it came to turn back forwards.

But how can owls turn their heads so far, and why do they have this adaptation? Owls have fixed eye sockets, meaning they cannot move their eyes within their skulls in order to look around, as humans and many other animals do. Instead, nature has equipped them with a highly flexible neck, allowing them to swivel their heads extensively in order to look around them. This unique adaptation enables owls to have a wide field of vision, essentially giving them the ability to observe their surroundings in almost every direction, without the need to move their entire body. This capability is crucial for spotting potential prey or identifying threats in their environment, particularly during the night, when visibility is low and owl vision excels.

Snowy Owl photo

Snowy Owl

The anatomical secret behind an owl's remarkable head rotation lies in the owl's neck bones. Unlike humans, who have seven cervical vertebrae, owls are endowed with 14, providing the additional flexibility to turn the neck so far around. Moreover, owl neck arteries have special adaptations to prevent blood flow from being cut off or causing damage during extreme rotations. This includes a system of blood vessels that ensures continuous blood supply to the brain and eyes when the main pathways are pinched during rotation.

This 270-degree rotational ability enhances the owl's silent hunting prowess. By minimizing movement, owls can stealthily observe and target their prey, maintaining an element of surprise. Their silent flight, combined with this panoramic vision, makes them formidable predators of the night, capable of detecting and swooping down on unsuspecting prey with remarkable precision.

Understanding the truth behind the owl's head rotation demystifies one of the many fascinating adaptations in the avian world, highlighting the complexity and beauty of nature's designs. It's a great example of the evolutionary marvels that allow birds, like the owl, to thrive in their specific niches, perfectly adapted to their ways of life.

Eurasian Pygmy Owl photo

Eurasian Pygmy Owl

Birdorable Owl Gifts

Singing Common Yellowthroat

The melody of birdsong, weaving through a thick forest or a productive meadow, often evokes a feeling of joy. While this sentiment is charming, the true reasons behind avian vocalizations are much more complex and fascinating.. To say that birds simply sing because they're happy is, in fact, a beautiful but misleading myth.

The reality is that bird song serves a multitude of purposes, often far removed from emotional expression. While some species may indeed associate certain melodic phrases with positive experiences, the primary motivation for singing falls into three broad categories: territory defense, mate attraction, and communication.

Bird song often acts as a potent territorial declaration. Picture a male American Robin perched on a branch, belting out a series of rich, melodic phrases. This isn't simply a serenade; it's a powerful message to other males, a kind of auditory fence marking the boundaries of his domain. The complexity of the song, its volume, and even its timing all play a role in deterring intruding males and asserting dominance.

Many birds utilize song as a powerful tool for attracting mates. Imagine a female Worm-eating Warbler captivated by the sweet, high-pitched trill of a nearby male. The more impressive the song, the more likely he is to win the favor of a potential mate.

Bird song often functions as a complex communication system within flocks and families. Different chirps and calls can convey a range of information, from warnings about predators to the location of food sources. Consider a Black-capped Chickadee alerting its flock to a nearby hawk with a sharp, high-pitched call. This vocal exchange plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and survival of the group.

While the emotional resonance of birdsong remains undeniable, it's good to understand that this vocal tapestry is woven from the threads of necessity, competition, and social interaction. So let's consider the myth "Birds Sing Because They're Happy" to be busted!

Next time you find yourself captivated by the music of birds, remember the meaning that lies beneath the surface of the beautiful song. Birds may not be singing simply for joy, but for survival, for reproduction, for connection.

Cranes in Mythology and Popular Culture

Almost anywhere you can find cranes living in the wild, you can find cranes in human mythology and popular culture. They are often symbols of happiness, youth, good luck, and/or peace.

In Japan, as in many other parts of Asia, cranes are regarded as symbols of good fortune, peace, and youth. Japanese legend tells that anyone who folds a thousand origami cranes will be granted one wish.

Crane origami
Crane origami by (CC BY-SA 2.0)

In China, the Red-crowned Crane is prevalent in mythology. It is a symbol of nobility, as well as youth, longevity, and immortality.

Pine, Plum and Cranes (1759) by Shen Quan from the Palace Museum in Beijing, China

In heraldry or coats of arms, a crane is often shown holding a rock with its foot. The symbolism comes from a legend attributed to Pliny the Elder. He wrote that a group of cranes under attack put one bird on watch. The bird on guard duty would hold a rock; if the crane accidentally fell asleep, the sound of the falling rock would awaken the bird.

Crane coat of arms
Image by Christer Sundin (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The elaborate mating and pair-bonding dances performed by cranes are noted in several cultures. The Blue Crane is prominent in the culture of the Xhosa of southern Africa. Feathers from the bird are used in ceremonies to decorate distinguished men.

In native Siberian culture, the Siberian Crane is sacred, a symbol associated with the sun and spring time.

In Germany, there is a museum devoted entirely to the natural history of the Common Crane! The Kranich Museum is in a renovated manor house in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. There are displays of various pieces of artwork related to the birds, including video, murals, costumes, and other media.

The Sarus Crane is considered sacred in several Indian cultures. They are known as symbols of marital virtue because they mate for life. When a Sarus Crane dies, its mate was believed to starve to death in sorrow.

Cranes are featured in a few of Aesop's fables. In The Geese and the Cranes, a mixed flock of geese and cranes were feeding in a meadow. A birdcatcher came to ensnare them in his nets. The cranes, being light of wing, fled away at his approach; while the geese, being slower of flight and heavier in their bodies, were captured. The moral of this story is that those who are caught are not always the most guilty. Other fables attributed to Aesop that include cranes are The Wolf and the Crane and The Peacock and the Crane.

Illustration from 1909 of the fable of the geese and cranes from Aesop's Fables