Barn Owl Trust's The Flyer Spotlights the Birdorable Barn Owl

We're thrilled to share that our adorable Birdorable Barn Owl has soared into the spotlight in the spring issue of The Flyer, the engaging publication crafted by the Barn Owl Trust specifically for its "junior" friends.

The Flyer is an informative and entertaining resource, known for bringing the world of the Barn Owl to life for its younger audience. Its spring issue was a treasure trove of knowledge, with fascinating Barn Owl facts that offer insight into the life of these silent nocturnal hunters, as well as owl jokes and poems. The Birdorable Barn Owl coloring page was on the back page of the leaflet.

You can learn more about the UK-based Barn Owl Trust here. Junior friends of the Trust are called Owlets and receive the Flyer, an ID badge, a Barn Owl pin badge, and other goodies for young owl-lovers.


Ashira on September 13, 2010 at 11:45 AM wrote:
That's awesome! ^___^ I just love those colouring pages.
ashlyn on January 21, 2011 at 2:36 PM wrote:
ha ha ha

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