Birdorable.com was launched one year ago this week. In this first year the number of cute Birdorable birds has grown to 90 species and we now have over 200 different designs!
The first bird we made was the Northern Cardinal and the last one we added was the Zebra Finch a couple of weeks ago. A lot of the birds we have added throughout 2007 were requested by our customers. In 2008 we plan to expand the Birdorable family of cute birds even more, so if you have a favorite species that you would like to see cutified as a Birdorable then please don't hesitate to contact us. We love birds, we are active birders and we love working on Birdorable.
We'd like to thank everyone who has contacted us in our first year and look forward to another successful year here at Birdorable.com Amy & Arthur