The Eurasian Blue Tit is a small, colorful bird. It has a bright blue cap, wings, and tail, with a yellow belly and greenish back. Its face is white with a distinctive black eye stripe and a narrow black collar.
These birds are common in woodlands, parks, and gardens across Europe and parts of Western Asia. They are highly adaptable and often nest in tree holes or bird boxes.
Eurasian Blue Tits are known for their acrobatic feeding habits, often hanging upside down to reach insects and spiders on leaves. They also enjoy seeds and nuts, frequently visiting garden feeders.
Their song is a cheerful series of trills and whistles. During the breeding season, they become particularly vocal and active, fiercely defending their nests.
Their nests are usually built with moss, wool, and feathers, and the female lays up to 10-12 eggs. The chicks hatch after about two weeks and are fed caterpillars and other insects by both parents.