World Eagle Day

Today is World Eagle Day! That makes it a very good day to formally reveal our new, updated, super-cute Birdorable Bald Eagle. Of course, it is available on a wide variety of apparel and gifts! The Bald Eagle has been a symbol of the United States since it was chosen to be part of the Great Seal of the United States in 1782.

Birdorable Bald Eagle

The species was in peril in the late 20th century in part due to the use of the pesticide DDT, which was introduced into the environment and interfered with the ability for Bald Eagles and other species to process calcium in their bodies. Eggs laid by affected birds were too thin to support incubation. When DDT was banned, the species rebounded and was eventually removed from the USFW Endangered and Threatened Wildlife list in 2007. We are so happy that Bald Eagles are once again thriving across North America, and we hope they continue to do so forever.

Birdorable Eagle Products


Elinor Blackwood (Ashira) on March 18, 2012 at 8:24 PM wrote:
How lovely! : D I've been really happy with the updates you've done for some of the older birds. ^___^
I love birds.My fav is a heron. on March 31, 2012 at 2:21 AM wrote:
I ♥ eagles!I went to an eagle flying demonstration on the 25th of march!
Louise Warner on February 6, 2017 at 5:39 PM wrote:
not bald or bold but balde.
Spurwing Plover on January 14, 2023 at 8:14 AM wrote:
We have Bald Eagles in our Valley Scott Valley here in Northen California I have been lucky enough to see them in flight

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