T-Shirt Tuesday: Pair of Belted Kingfishers

If you live in North America and you love birds then you are probably familiar with the Belted Kingfisher, which can be found across the continent from coast to coast. This cute design features a pair of Birdorable Belted Kingfishers. Can you tell the difference between the male and the female? Both have the cute shaggy crests and are colored blue and white, but females have rufous across the upper belly.

The design is shown here on a blue women's Hanes Nano long sleeve t-shirt, which is made of ultra-light and ultra-soft 100% cotton fine jersey knit.

Belted Kingfisher Pair T-Shirt

Other apparel styles with this design


Spurwing Plover on May 30, 2022 at 6:30 PM wrote:
The Big Brother is the Laughing Kookaburra in Australia

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