T-Shirt Tuesday: Know Your Terns

This week's highlighted t-shirt is our Know Your Terns! design featuring nine different Birdorable terns: Caspian Tern; Royal Tern; Sandwich Tern; Common Tern; Arctic Tern; Least Tern; Gull-billed Tern; Black Tern; and Sooty Tern Do you know them all?


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Vulture Week: Threats Facing Vultures

We're celebrating Vulture Week because this Saturday, September 6th, marks International Vulture Awareness Day (IVAD). This commemorative day has been celebrated since at least 2009 and aims to highlight the importance of vultures and vulture conservation through education. Vultures around the world are in trouble. Over half of the...

2015 Bonanza Bird #18: White-bellied Sea Eagle

Our Birdorable Bonanza: 2015 Advent Edition rolls on today with a large species of eagle: the White-bellied Sea Eagle! White-bellied Sea Eagles are large birds of prey found across parts of Southeast Asia, Australia, and the Indian Subcontinent. It is found...

What is a Brood Patch? Why and When Do Birds Have Them?

A brood patch is a bare area of skin that some birds develop during nesting. The bare skin is an adaptation to help with egg incuabation. The patch of featherless skin allows the parent bird to provide extra warmth from his or her own body to the eggs in...

Happy Earth Day! Celebrate Earth Day with Birdorable Shareable Graphics

Celebrate Earth Day with our feathered friends at Birdorable! We've created a collection of shareable Birdorable graphics featuring some of the world's most beloved birds. These cute and colorful images are perfect for spreading awareness and joy on social media. Whether you're an avid birder or just a...