T-Shirt Tuesday: Four Color Cockatiel

A Birdorable Cockatiel face is repeated in a four-square pattern on this women's American Apparel T-Shirt. The cartoon cockatiels are rotated through the design - mimicking the acrobatic stylings of this charismatic species! This original graphic tee makes a great gift for anyone that loves Cockatiels! Check out our other products with this design and fine more designs with our Birdorable Cockatiel.

Birdorable Four Color Cockatiel Women's T-Shirt

You can customize this design on many different t-shirt styles and colors. Here are some examples:

Four Color Cockatiel Graphic Tees


Spurwing Plover on June 14, 2022 at 4:13 AM wrote:
Our former Neighbors had a Cockatiel he got loose outside one day but they got him back

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