T-Shirt Tuesday: California Quail

This week's featured design is our Birdorable California Quail, showcased on a cool short sleeve t-shirt from Zazzle. The California Quail, the state bird of California, is easily recognizable by its distinctive forward-drooping plume, which looks like a single feather but is actually composed of six feathers. These quails are sociable and often seen in small flocks.

Check out our adorable Birdorable version of this beautiful bird, perfect for any bird enthusiast. 

And by the way, how many birds do you see in this picture? Look closely! ;)

Cute California Quail T-Shirt by Zazzle


Ashira on May 4, 2010 at 11:42 AM wrote:
Hee hee! It took me a few seconds but I figured it out. ^_^
Woodpiecer on June 5, 2024 at 2:53 AM wrote:
(Request for Birdorable) T-Shirt Tuesday: Female California Quail

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