Ridgway's Hawk Conservation Outreach in the Dominican Republic

The Ridgway's Hawk is a Critically Endangered bird of prey endemic to the island of Hispaniola. Since 2002, the Ridgway's Hawk Project has been fighting to save this species in the Dominican Republic. The program involves several components, including research, assisted dispersal, and education.

The town of Los Limones is located outside of Los Haitises National Park, where the Project has been working with the community for almost 20 years on Ridgway Hawk conservation. As a part of the Project's outreach, a local youth baseball team was named Los Gavilanes, to honor the species, Gavilan in Spanish. Friends of the Ridgway's Hawk Project donated uniforms to the kids, which feature a Birdorable profile image of the namesake species!

From our friends at the Proyecto Conservación del Gavilán de La Española, we would like to share these photos of Los Gavilanes baseball team.


Boris Kapriev on December 22, 2024 at 3:15 AM wrote:
It's like they say "Respect the Ridgway's Hawk"

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