Proud of our Peacock

Birdorable Indian Peafowl

We are so pleased to introduce our newest Birdorable bird: the Indian Peafowl! The Peacock has been one of the most suggested birds here at Birdorable. This gorgeous species is the national bird of India, and we've added a Peafowl of India design to the shop, as well as products featuring the Peacock by itself - including cute custom shoes pictured below.

Peafowl appear countless times in Indian mythology and popular culture. During our travels in India, we often came across Peacock imagery, like at the City Palace of Jaipur:


We also saw several of them during our visits to natural parks, and once were even so lucky to find a male in full breeding splendor!


Peacocks appear not only in Indian art and nature, but in advertisements too:

Peacock Brand
Peacock Brand by Meanest Indian

Peacocks are indeed striking when in full breeding plumage. They sport about 150 long display feathers, which are not tail feathers but elongated upper tail coverts. These are shed each year during their annual molt and often collected afterward due to the prized decorative value of the feathers. Here are some more photos of this gorgeous species.

Nice peacock!
Nice peacock! by Tambako the Jaguar
Peacock dancing in the wild
Peacock dancing in the wild by Tarique Sani
A peacock  #02
A peacock #02 by *higetiger


Ashira on March 22, 2010 at 9:38 AM wrote:
WOW. Beautiful job. : D There are peafowl running around at my nearest zoo, and once I was wearing an orange jacket and one of the males kept following me around, displaying his tail and shaking his head. I guess he liked my jacket. ^_^
LimogesBoxCollector on February 7, 2011 at 4:14 PM wrote:
This is the most beautiful bird!
BOB on January 30, 2016 at 1:54 PM wrote:
I like buts you know? I just luv buts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am happy i have two. I stole yours! 😈 this is a bad website. jk!
BOB on January 30, 2016 at 1:57 PM wrote:
I hate you Ashira...... That pee-cock (ha) must hate you so much. he wus probably following you to murder you. He is probably still making his way to your house....... he is watching you.
Heather Richards on October 7, 2016 at 8:40 PM wrote:
I wish I had a tail. I would flip it. Then a Birdorable bird would take me home.
Heather Richards on November 3, 2016 at 7:45 PM wrote:
Keep calm and flip your tail! I want one.
Louise Warner on February 24, 2017 at 5:39 PM wrote:
That was not random!
Spurwing Plover on June 11, 2022 at 6:39 AM wrote:
Never can forget when NBC had their Origional Peacock and THIS PROGRAMS IS BEING BROUGHT TO TO YOU IN LIVING COLOR ON NBC TV we say the Colors mixing and swirling then the Peacock made his apprence
Tweetyfave on January 28, 2023 at 12:16 AM wrote:
Can you please add the Green Peafowl and the Congo Peafowl? Thanks!
Spurwing Plover on February 26, 2023 at 7:07 AM wrote:
There is a scene in Disney's Oscar Winning ITS ROUGH TO BE A BIRD where the Peacock sneezes his tail off

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