Our Pair of European Goldfinches

Since February we've been getting new visitors to our backyard: a pair of European Goldfinches. In the beginning just one came to feed from a bag of nuts we have hung up in a tree. After a few days he brought his mate along and since then they've come by almost every day:

European Goldfinch

These birds are quite common here in the Netherlands but we never had one in our backyard before. This brings the total number of birds that have visited us here to twelve: Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Jackdaw, Black Bird, Great Tit, Blue Tit, House Sparrow, Collared Dove, Herring Gull, Magpie, Robin and Starling. European Goldfinches are named 'Putter' or 'Distelvink' in Dutch. The latter translates as 'Thistle Finch' for it likes to eat small seeds like thistle seeds. What's funny is that we have a feeder full of thistle seeds in our backyard but we've never seen our two Goldfinches eat from it; they always go straight for the nuts! After seeing the cute Goldfinches in our yard we've added the species to this website. 

Cute European Goldfinch Gifts


Louise Warner on February 24, 2017 at 5:29 PM wrote:
I don't live in Europe!

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