More Fun Avian Dad Facts for Father's Day + Gift Ideas

Father's Day is a special occasion to honor the dedication, love, and hard work of fathers and father figures across the globe. While we celebrate the human dads in our lives, it's also a perfect time to recognize the incredible fathers in the animal kingdom, particularly among birds. Bird dads come in all shapes and sizes, each with unique and fascinating parenting roles that highlight their dedication to nurturing and protecting their offspring.

Father's Day will be celebrated on June 16, 2024. That's just 10 days away -- which means you still have time to find something for your pop. If dad likes birds, be sure to check out our Birdorable Amazon shop, where items ship fast and free with Amazon Prime. 

Father's Day Gift Ideas from Birdorable's Amazon Shop

Back in 2019, we shared some fun facts to mark the day: Fun Avian Dad Facts for Father's Day. As dad's day approaches this year, let's take a look at some more awesome facts about avian dads.

Father rheas are dedicated single dads. After constructing the nest alone, they court multiple females, who together may lay up to 60 eggs in his nest. The male incubates the eggs and raises the chicks on his own. He protects and cares for the young until they are old enough to fend for themselves​ -- at least six months.

Father Killdeer are very active in the nesting process. They participate in nest building, typically initiating the creation of the scrape. They incubate the eggs, and do most of the overnight shift. They also help to protect the nest and chicks by performing the well-known Killdeer injury-feigning display. 

Killdeer with Chicks Cute Father's Day Gift Ideas

Red-winged Blackbird dads are known for their territorial nature, especially during the breeding season. They arrive first on breeding sites and establish territory. They will fiercely defend their nesting area throughout courtship, nest-building, and chick-rearing. Part of this defense includes a predator alert system involving different call types for different threats. Though the females build the nests, males participate in "Symbolic Nest-building Display" which involves play-nest-building.

Common Loon dads are active participants in both nest-building and chick-rearing. They typically choose the nesting site and work together with the female to build the nest. They share in egg incubation, and both carry chicks on their backs to keep them warm and safe, and teach them to dive and catch fish.

Common Loon with Chick on Back Father's Day Gift Ideas

Male sandgrouse in arid regions are known for their unique method of providing water to their chicks. They soak their belly feathers in water and fly long distances back to the nest, allowing the chicks to drink from their feathers. 

Father Great Horned Owls are excellent providers. When their chicks are young, the males do all of the hunting and bring food to the female and the chicks, ensuring that the family is well-fed. They also help protect the nest from potential threats.


Woodpiecer on June 6, 2024 at 9:40 PM wrote:
Birdorable, can you please add the rheas and sandgrouse to the 'Meet the Birds' page, please? And also, update the Brown Kiwi and Ostrich. Happy Father's Day!

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