Vulture Week 2024
Introduction to Vulture Week 2024
This coming Saturday, September 7th, marks International Vulture Awareness Day (IVAD). This commemorative day, always the first Saturday in September, has been celebrated since at least 2009. IVAD aims to highlight the importance of vultures and vulture conservation through education.
We'd like to focus on vultures and condors this week leading up to the big day through a series of blog posts featuring these important families of birds. As an introduction, here are some vulture highlights from our blog and website archives.
- We feature all 23 species of vulture here at Birdorable. You can see our cute cartoon versions of these birds, and check out the 'meet' pages.
- On the blog we've featured longer species profiles of several of our vultures and condors: Turkey Vulture; Black Vulture; California Condor; Palm-nut Vulture; Andean Condor. Stay tuned this week for more species profiles.
- Our Vultures of the World landing page is a great place to find all of our species illustrations and profiles, as well as coloring pages and other free downloads, a link to our Vultures of the World map (also available in Spanish), and more.

- For IVAD 2009, as part of a blog carnival (remember those?!) on the topic, we featured 14 Favorite Vulture Facts on the Birdorable blog.
- For Vulture Week in 2014, we shared a list of Vulture Frequently Asked Questions that answered some of the most common FAQs about these fascinating birds.
- A glossary of vulture-related terms was posted during Vulture Week 2015.
- A blog post about Vulture Extremes was also featured in 2015.
- See all of our vulture-related blog posts here: all Birdorable blog vulture posts.
Join us this week as we once again highlight vulture species, vulture biology and other fun vulture topics in the coming days! We're excited to gear up to celebrate another International Vulture Awareness Day!
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