Group working to save Macaws in Costa Rica

The ARA Project is a conservation group working to conserve two macaw species in Costa Rica: the Scarlet Macaw and the endangered Great Green Macaw. The group has been successfully breeding macaws for almost 30 years.

Birdorable Macaws

In 2011 they became the first group in the world to reintroduce Great Green Macaws back into the wild. With a population of fewer than 4000 individuals and a declining population trend, the successful work by The ARA Project is desperately needed to help the continued survival of the Great Green Macaw. Unfortunately, The ARA Project recently received an eviction notice on their main breeding facility. The group has secured a new site but desperately needs funding to build a new breeding facility and other infrastructure to keep the organization running. If you would like to help, you can donate to their Indiegogo campaign 180 Endangered Macaws are Being Made Homeless or directly on The ARA Project website using Paypal.


Louise Warner on February 15, 2017 at 7:49 PM wrote:
Its us u know...and it always has been.
Louise Warner on February 15, 2017 at 8:00 PM wrote:
the macaw (MAW-CA-W) is a parrot that lives in Central and south America.also found in Mexico.a large but friendly bird and tame.they eat nuts,fruit, and berries.
Andrew on November 22, 2018 at 11:58 PM wrote:

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