Bonanza Bird #4: Twenty-eight Parrot

Birdorable Twenty-eight Parrot

Our fourth bird species in the Birdorable Bonanza is the Twenty-eight Parrot, a sub-species of the Australian Ringneck.

Twenty Eight Parrot
Twenty Eight Parrot by Stephen Barnett

The Australian Ringneck is a beautiful species of parrot native to Australia. They live in southwestern forests of coastal and subcoastal Western Australia. The Twenty-eight Parrot is named for its call! It sounds like it is shouting out 'twentee-eight' when it calls. The bird eats mostly on the ground and its diet consists of seeds, fruits, insects and flowers.

Birdorable Twenty-eight Parrot T-Shirts & Gifts

Tomorrow's bird is an endangered species that makes an epic migration from the southern tip of South America to the Arctic. Can you guess what it will be?

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I love birds.My fav is a heron. on November 22, 2011 at 1:23 AM wrote:
is it some sort of gull or tern maybe?
Louise Warner on February 24, 2017 at 7:37 AM wrote:
red knot???

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