Bohemians on the move!

Bohemian Waxwings are on the move this winter! A poor berry crop in their northern range may be driving them outside of their usual winter haunts. Flocks have been seen around southern Lake Michigan and individuals have been reported in many northeastern states in the U.S. The birds have also been reported in the Netherlands, where they rarely make an appearance.

Bohemian Waxwings aren't the only northern birds showing up further south this winter. Evening Grosbeaks, crossbills, Red-breasted Nuthatches, redpolls and other finch species are irrupting all over. Have you had any special winter visiters at your feeders so far this season? The Bohemian Waxwing was added to Birdorable on November 13, 2012. If you love these beautiful birds, be sure to check out our fun and cute Bohemian Waxwing t-shirts and gifts!


WILLETTA S CARPENTER on January 4, 2022 at 7:25 PM wrote:
we have had tons of Blue birds and ceder wax wings this winter but in the past only stay a few days. But this year since Thanksgiving they come every day with Blue birds and it now Jan4th and still come to the heated bird bath. What a great time we are having. We have a huge yard but no fruit type trees here. But the calling cards they leave has lots of berrys. We have lived here 45 years and never have we seen so many blue birds and wax wings. What could be different this year?? We are so blessed!

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