Birdorable Yellow-eyed Penguin

Birdorable Yellow-eyed Penguin

The Yellow-eyed Penguin is native to New Zealand, where it is also called Hoiho. There are only about 4,000 of these cute penguins left and it is considered one of the world's rarest penguins. Threats include habitat degradation and the introducion of predators, like wild cats and ferrets. In spring 2004, a disease killed off 60% of yellow-eyed Penguins on the Otago peninsula and in North Otago. The disease was described as diphtheritic stomatitis, but that is just a secondary infection while the primary pathegen remains unknown. A similar problem has affected another population on Stewart Island, where in six years about 70% of the penguin chicks died from a mystery illness. A reserve protecting more than 10% of the mainland population was established in 2007 in the Catlins by the Department of Conservation and the Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust. A 12km coastal reserve in the Catlins in the south of New Zealand's South Island was established in 2007 for the protection of the Yellow-eyed Penguin by the Department of Conservation.

Yellow-eyed Penguin photo

Yellow-eyed Penguin by Kimberley Collins (CC BY 2.0 DEED)

Yellow-eyed Penguin photo

Yellow-eyed Penguin by Bernard Spragg (public domain)


Louise Warner on February 27, 2017 at 7:58 AM wrote:

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