Birdorable Bonanza 2023 Starts on Monday

Get ready for our 15th annual Birdorable Bonanza, starting on Monday, November 27th! We're thrilled to continue our tradition of introducing an array of new birds during this special event. Over the years, our Birdorable Bonanzas have become a cherished tradition, and you can revisit the previous years' celebrations right here: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022

For 10 straight days, we'll unveil a new feathered friend each day on Birdorable. By the end of this event, we'll have an impressive collection featuring a whopping 785 different bird species on! Join us as we celebrate these wonderful birds and share our love for avian diversity.

Guess the first bird ...

Here's a sneak peek at the first bird in this year's Bonanza. This elusive owl, known for its petite size and cryptic plumage, is often found in North America's dense forests. Its name hints at a fiery detail associated with its appearance. On Monday, we'll reveal the identity of this mysterious bird and its preferred nocturnal haunts. Can you guess which owl we're featuring?


Mohammadreza on November 25, 2023 at 12:40 AM wrote:
Hello Is this new bird a western screech owl?? And please add first white eared bulbul and laughing dove and then Ruddy shelduck and pleske's ground jay to your birds for 2024 thanks
Birdorable on November 30, 2023 at 9:26 AM wrote:
Hi Mohammadreza! Our first bird was actually the Flammulated Owl, which gets its intriguing name from its reddish-brown feathers that have flame-like patterns. Thank you for the suggestions for new bird species.

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